To stop struggling, start living and experience far greater satisfaction in your life, the most powerful place to start achieving change, is within.
Change can feel challenging and uncomfortable for the best of us. However, with change comes growth.
With growth you can maximise your potential to be, do and have what you’re chasing to lead a fulfilling, meaningful life.
Get on the path to performing at your healthiest and highest potential.
Our mission is to help you develop the emotional well-being and mental skills that allow you to lead an inspired, fulfilling life and achieve success on your terms.
Learning and experiencing evidence-based strategies and techniques uniquely tailored to your situation, you can strengthen your mental and emotional fitness to achieve this.
Anxiety – panic attacks, phobias and general everyday anxiousness
Stress management and improving resilience in your work and business
Depression, mood fluctuations and post-traumatic stress symptoms
Loss of purpose, direction and life satisfaction
Loss of motivation, procrastination and productivity
Improve confidence, self-esteem and self-worth
Adjustment through significant life events and transitions
Communication in your workplace and personal relationships
How we can Help
Individual Counselling & Coaching
Guides & Worksheets
You can undertake your appointment in-person face to face or online. Research shows online therapy can be just as effective as face to face counselling.
For your convenience you can book appointments online, call or email to book or enquire about making an appointment.
If you have never worked with a psychologist before it’s normal to feel unsure if you might have a good therapeutic fit with the therapist.
Contact us to explore undertaking a free 15-20 minute confidential, no-obligation exploratory call to ask any questions.
Online lessons in mental skills techniques and strategies will soon be available online.
Regardless of your schedule or timezone, you will be able to practically learn from experiential practical lessons and guides which step you through
- understanding techniques and how to learn which ones might better suit your needs
- learning how to apply them and tailor them to you
- creating your own recipe to keep in your mental hip pocket
Your workshops are created from expertise gained from many years of practicing privately with clients like you, more than ten years of formal training and evidence-based research.
We’re currently building practical guides, lessons and tip sheets to help you stay on track.
From self-care, goal-setting, career guidance and maximising exam performance, we’re working on creating guides that you can download and use at your pace and leisure.
Short online lessons will be available soon allowing you to develop your skills at the pace that feels right and relevant to your unique journey.
You might be suprised how learning mental skills and techniques can be incredibly liberating and fun!